Monitor your queues with confidence

This compact, stunning, and sleek dashboard for Redis-based queues makes adding, retrying, removing, and managing your jobs easier than ever before.

App screenshot

Open source

Simplify your queue management

QueueDash makes it easy to monitor and manage your queue with just a few clicks. Our intuitive UI makes it easy to add jobs to your queue, view job details, and much more.

Simple and clean UI.
Use the compact list view to keep track of your queue, or dig deeper with the detailed job modal.
Add and manage jobs with ease.
Our JSON editor makes it easy to manually add jobs to your queue or modify existing ones.
Comprehensive stats.
Keep track of your queue's performance with comprehensive stats, giving you the insights you need to optimize your workflows.
 import express from "express";
import Bull from "bull";
import { createQueueDashExpressMiddleware } from "@queuedash/api";

const app = express();

  baseUrl: "/queuedash",
  ctx: {
    queues: [
        queue: new Bull("report-queue"),
        displayName: "Reports",
        type: "bull" as const,

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log("Listening on port 3000");
  console.log("Visit http://localhost:3000/queuedash");

QueueDash Pro

Level-up your queues with Pro

Free-to-host with all the features of the open-source version and more, QueueDash Pro is the ultimate tool for monitoring and managing your queues.

Alerts and notifications.
Set up smart alerts and notifications to receive updates on your queue and make sure everything is running smoothly.
View queue trends.
There’s always room to improve. Easily track performance metrics and identify patterns to optimize your processing.
Work with your team.
Teamwork makes the dream work, and QueueDash makes it easy to collaborate with your team. Manage multiple queues and share full access, or grant access to specific queues.
Product screenshot

Join the QueueDash Pro waitlist

QueueDash Pro is under construction! We’re taking things up a notch with advanced features and functionalities. Don't miss out.